Sneak Peek BTS of RnR San Diego and Last Minute Discount Code with Paul Huddle Podcast 111

Hello!! Today I’m talking to Paul Huddle, author, triathlete, radio host and currently he’s the Senior Regional Director with Rock N Roll Marathon series and IRONMAN – which includes the big west coast Rock N Roll races…Arizona, Las Vegas and San Diego. San Diego is this weekend and we’re getting a peek into what’s it’s like behind the scenes race week! AND he shares a SECRET discount code you can use at the expo!! I had no idea he was going to do that – so I’m just kind of quietly surprised and quickly type it out as he’s sharing it. So the code will be on Run Eat Repeat if ya want to run this weekend!!

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If you’re new here… I’m Monica, I started Run Eat as a training and diet log before my first marathon. All I wanted to do was lose 20 pounds and run 1 full marathon. Well… I lost that weight and have run over 30 full marathons and over 50 half marathons! And the site has turned into an amazing community online! Thanks for listening. For more check out the site Run Eat and follow me on Instagram @RunEatRepeat for the latest updates and to check in with your workout for today!!

2 New Book Reviews

I’ve been going through audio books like they’re watermelon so want to share a few before I forget…

Duped: Double Lives, False Identities and the Con Man I Almost Married by Abby Ellin

– 3 shoes

The author was on Happier with Gretchen Rubin. They’re friends.

I actually don’t think I loved the author… she was a lil dramatic and it made it more obvious to me that the book isn’t dramatic. I want it to be dramatic!!

She talks about people who have lied, been lied to in BIG ways. And her story sounds super interesting! I wish it would have been more like a podcast! Her story was like the one from Dirty John… this guy lies and puts on this big song and dance to con woman.

She’s a writer and she experienced it first hand… but she kinda just tells her experience in a nutshell instead of walking us through what it was actually like. Again meh.

I don’t really recommend it and only finished listening to it because I wanted to give ya my thoughts.

Ladies Who Punch by Ramin Setoodeh – 4 shoes…

  • Entertaining. Reminded me more of a podcast than a book. I feel like it jumped around a lil bit.
  • Fast listen… I went through the whole thing pretty quickly so I’d recommend it if you like real life / BTS kinda stories.
  • Gossipy – I didn’t like that it seemed gossipy. I think there’s a difference between telling a story as a neutral backstage account to document something that happened and telling a story that seems to paint certain people as good or bad.

I don’t think a book about a talk show with only male hosts would be as focused on lil fights and give the same vibe. There seem to be legitimate reasons that some of the hosts fought or were hard to get along with. I’m not saying don’t share the drama. I’m saying it focused a lot on what seemed like petty fights. The show has been around for years – I feel like there has to be a lot of happy friendly stories. We heard ONE.

  • Reviews didn’t like that the author read it but I think it’s was okay. I don’t usually seek out reviews but that caught my attention for some reason. He’s obviously not a professional but luckily the bad review made me set the bar low and I thought he sounded fine – again kind of like it was a podcast so it was easy breezy. 
  • Recommend it for people who like pop-culture & podcasts.

Paul Huddle Rock N Roll Marathon Series and IRONMAN Senior Regional Director interview

Paul Huddle – is a former pro-triathlete turned coach and is now Senior Regional Director with Rock N Roll Marathon series and IRONMAN. He has a ton of experience both competing in endurance racing and organizing the events. I could have talked to him for hours! Today we focused on how he went from athlete to executive and some of the work that goes into organizing a race.

I also put out a call for questions but it was a little last minute so next time I’ll give you more time to ask…

Join the Run Eat Repeat Podcast Group here so we have a place to ask questions and just hang out.

BONUS:  At the end Paul shares a last minute discount code for Rock N Roll San Diego!! So check it out and use it at the expo if you want to join. 

Check out all the races and more information on the Rock N Roll Marathon series here! 

And here is the Last Minute Discount Code for San Diego!

You can use it at the expo – make sure you use it if you’re putting your info in on a computer at the expo and/or mention it to whoever is helping you register. (I’ve registered at the expo before and think I remember you have to put your info in on an ipad and then someone gives you a bib. I’m not sure if you do it when you input your info or when you pay.)

Last Minute Rock N Roll San Diego discount code


1. Races that give discount codes… and sites that give free shipping. Love. Check out my Race Discounts for more!

2. Panera… because I just really like it this week.

3. These big heavy bones I found at Marshall’s on clearance because Diego chewed on it for longer than anything I’ve ever given him.

Thank you for listening!

Please tag @RunEatRepeat on instagram and let me know what you’re doing right now!

If you have a question… ask! Email me or call the RER podcast voicemail.

Run Eat Repeat Podcast questions email voicemail

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