FMM - Dogs Abroad, Dogs Ahome

My brother and his wife recently moved to Germany and are enjoying traveling all around with their very well-behaved dalmatian, Audie.  They are in Amsterdam this week and Audie is having fun while she plays tourist:
Why are you taking a picture?  Hop on and take me for a ride!
Pleez to buy my cheez? 


I cannot fathom traveling like that with Paco.  Let's just say I know my dog, and my dog would not be good walking around the streets encountering other dogs.  That's OK, he's perfectly happy hanging around our home and backyard.  But after he saw Audie's pictures, he wanted to have his own photo shoot:
I model.  Bery hansom model.
 Still model but gettin' bored.
 Wate is dat a squirrel?
Yawn.  Dat's it.  Dis session ober.  Now pay my fee.  I take cookies.

Well we tried.  His desire to pose is not as strong as it used to be back when I used to do my Fashion Friday pictures - that dog would come skidding in as soon as he heard the first click of the shutter!  It was pretty cute, so of course, I had to show a reminder:
Doing the Paco lean against my legs, his foot on my foot.  Circh 2011 - some things never change!


Have a great weekend!  

from Mix ID 8319519


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