June 29th, 2019 Finding What Can Work-An Update On Mom and Me

June 29th, 2019 Finding What Can Work-An Update On Mom and Me

Friday was a 4-star day: I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Missed calls at 3am from the nursing home are some of the worst things to wake up and find at 4:30am. The last month and a half have been the most challenging for mom. It's a snowball effect; a chain reaction type thing--the UTI creates a lot of fluid, spreading infection--the fluid pools, then congestive heart failure, the intense coughing starts and stresses her heart...it gets very difficult for her body to absorb oxygen--plus all the strange symptoms of the infection, many of which resemble dementia. I certainly don't understand it all. But I'm learning a lot from the nurses and doctors involved in her continued care. It gets super-scary, very fast, especially when it isn't completely understood or framed in the right perspective.

I called her nurse and was informed they had to rush mom to the ER via ambulance. I made arrangements for a colleague to cover my radio show and I headed that way. Mom wasn't in good shape at all. The worst, really. Clearly, she's not responding to the current course of treatment. The challenge for the doctors and nurses now is to find an approach that does work. The decision was quickly made to transfer her to a hospital with a cardiologist on staff--mainly because on top of everything we know, her heart was showing elevated enzymes. Mom was in and out of consciousness during this time--but in a waking moment--when she heard they were considering a transfer to Oklahoma City, she muttered how she'd rather go to Stillwater Medical Center. Mom got her wish. OKC was an option, but so was SMC, so that's what I chose.

Once stabilized, the ER prepared for her ambulance transfer and at that point, I made my way back to work for a little while. Our station had a big annual location broadcast to do from the All-American Fish Fry Blood Drive. I was scheduled as the on-air talent for this event--and it all worked out well, considering mom's transfer and how it would take a little while for her to get settled in at the new hospital. My plan was to finish the broadcast and head that way for an afternoon meeting with the doctor in charge of her care in Stillwater.

This blood drive gives everyone who donates a fried catfish dinner and a bunch of other incentives in appreciation of the donation. Even though I occasionally (every couple of months or so) allow catfish into my food plan, today wasn't the day. I made sure to carve out enough time to prepare a good breakfast at the studio before heading over to the broadcast. I proudly donated blood while on the air, too, which is something that always reminds me of when I couldn't at over 500 pounds with raging high blood pressure. My blood pressure checked in at 122/70. It doesn't get much better. I'm grateful.

The blood drive was a big success. Over 150 signed in and 130 were able to donate. We're doing another blood drive event on Tuesday--so important ahead of the 4th of July holiday, when the blood supply is low and the demand, unfortunately, is high.

I stopped by mom's room at the nursing home to grab her CPAP machine and some clothes and quickly headed South forty-two miles to Stillwater Medical. The doctor met with me a couple hours after I arrived to outline his care plan for mom. He's changing the antibiotic to combat the UTI, first thing. He also outlined several tests, including a heart scan, and also emphasized the importance of and the plan for getting the buildup of fluid off of her as quickly as possible. I was impressed with the doctor. He's looking at what's not working and he's taking on the challenge of finding what can work.

I stayed with mom until way into the evening. I took a break and ran over to Chipotle for a couple of chicken tacos and their incredible guacamole with a 1oz kids chips. It was perfectly on-plan and one of my favorite "standbys" when I'm away from home. Plus, it was super-fast and convenient!

Mom's brother, my uncle Keith, joined us for a visit last night, too. And mom's sister, Aunt Kelli, and her husband Tim visited with mom this morning. I made the trip home late last night--as I have a few work things I need to get done before going back down to the hospital. I'm planning on taking my laptop and staying at the hospital tonight.

One of the things I'm planning on doing this evening is a good walk into the neighborhoods just South of the hospital. My grandparents lived in that area during my formative years, so I have many memories from my childhood on those streets. I even had a paper route in that area one summer during my youth. It'll be good exercise and it'll be ripe with memories from those days more than thirty years ago.

My morning foundational routine is complete, I have a good food plan for today, I have a plan for staying connected with support, and I'm ready for my Saturday. I hope yours is a good one, too!       

Thank you to each and every person sending messages of prayer, positive energy, and best wishes for mom. I relay all of those to her and it makes her smile. She's always amazed by and grateful for the outpouring of love and support she receives. I am too.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Facebook: www.facebook.com/seananderson505
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for Android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 20 episodes waiting for you!

Questions or comments? Send an email! transformation.road@gmail.com

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