[Century Club] April 29, 2021 - Have you lost or need to lose 100 lbs or more? Here’s a thread just for you!

I have often welcomed those who have lost 100+ lbs (~ 50 kg , ~7 stone) to “the club” and joked that club meetings were on Thursdays. I recently suggested that we try out having a regular weekly thread to talk about issues that are particular to those who have lost 100+ lbs, those who are well on their way and those who are just at the beginning of a journey this big.

Welcome back to the Century Club! Each week I will provide a topic of the day that has been on my mind or inspired by previous posts. However you are free to talk about any topics you think might be relevant to current and prospective club members.

Previous Topics: Relationships - Loose Skin Redux - Multiple Centuries - April Fools! - What didn't work? - Milestones - Seasonal changes - Is it worth it? - Surprising Food Facts - Mistakes were made - Time to Vent - Relief Valves - Seeing Objectively - Tips you hate - Fear and Self-Loathing - Starting - 2020 recap

How strict?

Well, that's a first. I slept in a bit later than usual this morning and by the time I got out of bed and ate breakfast I ended up completely sucked into a maelstrom of work and never got a chance to post today's thread. Well it's 10:30 PM where I am and I'm finally done with work for the day and can post.

A couple of things precipitated this week's topic:

Basically, I mostly agree with u/AssociateDear6001 that the only way I, personally, have managed to get some of my own bingeing behaviors under control was by accepting that some of my "trigger foods" were going to be available to me and potentially even in my house for my kids or my partner, but I was going to be able to limit how much of my average calories I consumed of them by reducing portion size, frequency or both.

This was echoed by Ms. Ingram in the most recent episode of QQ where she was suggesting that her husband should give himself the Tuesdays when they air QQ as a regular "cheat day" where he might not adhere so closely to his IF feeding window and maybe choose to extend it a bit so he could eat what he cooks, and maybe even enjoy a cocktail, when they are online.

This was also emphasized -- shortly after her comments -- by his accidentally eating a grilled asparagus spear while plating her dinner even though he was outside his feeding window. To which some viewers responded with comments to the effect of "well now you've broken your fast, so you might as well keep going".

So what about you Centurion? What has worked for you? Do you need to exile certain foods from your house altogether, in perpetuity, or were you able to find a happy medium and enjoy these "sometimes foods" and "sometimes situations" without completely upsetting your process? And does a single deviation from your plan mean that the whole day might as well be ignored?

submitted by /u/SmilingJaguar
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