Help! Need to lose weight to beat obstructive sleep apnea!

5'10, 250lbs, Male.

Obviously this isnt a sleep apnea sub but the benefits will cure it. In 2018 I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and was told if I lose a certain amount of weight the condition can be reduced or eliminated completely. Frankly, the loud snoring is killing my relationship and I will soon have to get on a CPAP machine.

I want to beat this before it gets worse. I recently started going to the Planet Fitness gym consistently in March 2021 but frankly I am confused on what I am doing. Right now I want to lose weight to beat this sleep apnea, can anyone recommend a diet they are on/ workout routine they are doing/did that helped them lose weight?

I have the willpower to do this as I am already in the gym everyday as of March 2021. I just need some guidance and I know I will beat this and help my girlfriend get better sleep. Feel free to private message me as well if that works better. Any advice is GREATLY appreciated!

TLDR: Obstructive Sleep apnea killing relationship, heard losing weight can beat it, diet/workout routines for Planet Fitness requested!

submitted by /u/Golaso93
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from Mix ID 8319519


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