Losing the weight a second time. A year in weight loss and (mostly) maintenance.
TLDR: I had lost a ton of weight before, gained some again after a couple of trips and kept track of my weight loss. Click links at the end for pics.
Hi everybody!
My first journey started way before I found this subreddit. I had maxed out at 286lbs (129kg) when I had finally decided to do something about it. I slowed down on fast food and sugary snacks while outright giving up soda. I started walking which led to biking and going to the gym for weights which led me to r/bodyweightfitness. Small, incremental changes to diet and exercise helped me lose the vast majority of my weight. Hell, my diet wasn’t/isn’t even that great (I still don’t really eat veggies). It took about four years to reach my lowest weight of 172lbs (78kgs) in late 2017. From then on I had mostly maintained around the mid to high 170's. The entire time in those three years I never thought of myself as being on a diet. It was just a change of life-style. While I cooked almost all my meals, I never gave up having pizza or ice cream or cookies or anything really (other than soda, it’s the one thing I’ve completely given up). This had mostly worked for me until late 2019 and early last year.
I decided to stay in Mexico for about six months and then have a 2 week trip in Japan with friends. At the time I was trying food left and right and had regained a considerable amount of weight, mostly unnoticed as I had stopped weighing myself. When started up again in March of 2020, I had gone back up to 215lbs (97.5kgs). I was back home and able to fully control my diet and got back on the bike. And like riding a bike, where the bike is my mouth and my routine is my biking skill (is this metaphor working for you), it was pretty easy to get back into gear. Following my previous routine helped me lose the weight pretty quickly again. By July I was back to the low 170s (77kgs). From then on, it was maintenance mode.
It got a little harder once my brother moved back with me. We’re both big losers, but he has a better handle on his snacking and we had a thing that every time one of us would go grocery shopping, we would buy whatever new flavor snack (Reese's, Kitkat, Oreos and the such) we would find trying to one up each other. While this did affect my weight, got back up into the low 180’s (80’s kg), I got into the hang of things and I’ve been able to maintain mid to high 170’s since new years. Your routine can be pretty flexible as long as you know where treats fit into your routine.
I decided to keep track of my weight and take pictures through this process. Made a small gif, with front and side view for a year, I did forget to take pictures some weeks though. I don’t really have any major insights. I’m still not happy with my body. The extra skin/fat on the bottom of my tummy and sides seem eternal and ever-lasting and I’ll always be self-conscious about it. Don’t let that stop you though. Get a routine that works for you and modify it as you go, it’ll change depending on your goals. You will slip up and there will be plateaus. Don’t give up, pick yourself up and get on that mouth bike again. If you ever regain weight, trust in your routine. You’ve done it once and you can do it again.
Me at the start
One year before and after
One year progress gif
In case you were wondering, here is the ranking of appearances for the type of boxers.
Skulls : IIIII Dinos : IIIII Shark : IIII Skii Bear: IIII Unicorn : III Rabbits : III Sloth : III Aliens : II Otter : II Arcade : II Penguin : II Jellyfish: II Mushroom : II Dead Ox : II Planets : II Floaties : I Mushroom : I Smores : I Objects : I
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