Sometimes I'm asking because I want some accountability

I'm sure it has happened to you or you have done it to someone else.

You'll make a comment to a friend about how you really want something you know you shouldn't have. Something relatively harmless. I really want to binge watch a show instead of doing my adult responsibilities. I really want to order pizza. I kind of want to have some wine. I want to take a nap. Etc. Etc.

And your friend will always be like "Yeah! You should do it! You deserve it!" or "Do it! You're only asking me because you want it"

I do it too when my friends make the same off handed comments to me. Because it can come off as kind of rude or impolite to be like "no actually you shouldn't have that." Like you're telling them how to live their life. You want to be the fun friend or whatever the reason

But sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes I want them to say "no you shouldn't eat that. you'll regret it later". I'm asking not because I want some kind of premission but because I want some kind of accountability! Even the people who know I am trying to eat healthy and lose weight will tell me "yes go ahead you should have that drink."

Sometimes I should not!

submitted by /u/DrLexaloo
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from Mix ID 8319519


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