Advice on losing my last 15 lbs in 40 days

I'm 5'10", in my late 50's and was at 244 lbs recently. In January I decided that in honor of my 14 year old who passed in November, I would get down to 199 lbs. I have lost 30 lbs by lifting, light cardio, ab work, and cutting calories to about 1400 per day.
There's 15 more lbs to lose to hit my goal , and 40 days to do it in.
I work my routine every other day, and on my "off" days, I do primarily ab and light cardio exercises, but in the gym everyday. What more would you suggest? Should I cut my calories to under 1,000 at this point, increase the cardio? Thanks in advance for your suggestions. Doing it for "Gabe" ❤

submitted by /u/aldon161
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from Mix ID 8319519


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