Down 4 pounds since my first weigh in! Not much but I'm glad!

Trainer measured me (thank god my scale at home is low battery and I'm too lazy to replace it or I would go crazy weighing myself) and I'm down 4 pounds in a week since the initial weigh in! I was honestly hoping for more but I'll take what I can get. No change in my body yet obviously since it's only a lil bit but I do have more energy and I actually think about what I eat!

I don't really have anyone to tell yet since 4 pounds isn't really something to celebrate to most people (or I get the reaction of 'ok time for a cheat day!' or "You're just gonna gain it back.") but I'm just really happy to see some results rn in the year I've just been feeling like absolute trash. I can even tell my diet is getting better cause I actually cut my lunch in half so I'd be able to eat dinner without going over my calorie limit - and my lunch is just (well seasoned lol) boiled chicken with some broccoli and carrots!

I still cringe at my weight, especially since my gym has a mirror wall so I do see myself a good portion of the time but my trainer is motivating me by just continuously saying "By this time next year, maybe sooner!" And I might be getting into some weight training soon to gain some muscle! >:0

submitted by /u/Hexavoo
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from Mix ID 8319519


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