Is my TDEE calculation right? Does it apply on off-days too?

I used I'm 19M, 5'10 and 197 lbs. I don't really have a target weight, but I'm trying to lose any weight I can. All of my body fat is pretty much visceral and I need to get rid of it. I started going to the gym last Monday, and went Wednesday and Friday as well. I plan to keep going M/W/F for a couple weeks since I'm still a beginner, then maybe go another day or two through the week later on.

Anyways, I set it to "moderate exercise" since that's 3-5 times per week. It says I need 2943 kcal per day to maintain and 2443 kcal when cutting. Does this apply for every day? On days when I work out, my routine usually burns between 690 and 730 kcal. At my job I am standing and walking around for 6-8 hours, which usually burns another 200-300 kcal from walking, according to my phone. However, when I'm not at the gym and not working, I'm totally sedentary. So on those days, would I still be using 2443 kcal as my upper limit? Because according to the TDEE calculator, being sedentary would mean I'd need 2279 kcal to maintain and 1779 when cutting.

I know it's said that exercising increases metabolism and so you continue to burn calories after the fact, but it seems off, especially on weekends where I go Saturday and Sunday without working out, and sometimes without work.

submitted by /u/SNRNXS
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from Mix ID 8319519


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