NSV: 410 days of tracking calories.

This pop up has never looked so good.

I can’t say I haven’t missed a day, but I have gone back at 12:17am and hit the back button, updated dinner, then hit finished. Between a horrible breakup to my dog being sick to having surgery, CICO has been the only constant.

I’ve lost 60lbs, from male, 5’5” and ~240 to also a male, still short af and 180? I’m doing my damndest. Surgery recovery has been the hardest, because I couldn’t eat for the longest time and now that I can one of my new medications has me STARVING.

So it’s been protein and water intake. Beans and hummus and salad, and water. Lots and lots of water. I go on long walks now, since I’m not allowed to run yet, and I drink water.

But I’m still on this journey. My doctor is thrilled for me, and said I can stop whenever I’d like. Ideally I would like to get to 165, that’s sort of the dream number. But I’m no longer desperate fo see the scale drop down. I’m no longer aching for see the number consistently go down, as long as it isn’t going up. Summer is harder, because I know I’ll get busier, grab jerky for lunch instead of making a salad because it’s all go and no rest.

But that’s ok. I’m ok. I’ve been working my rear end off at this and I’m slowly getting back from surgery and I’m OK. This is gonna be alright. I won’t make as much progress this year as I did last year, but I also don’t have that much progress to make! I’m more or less 2/3rds of the way done, and I’m ok with that. If I hit my goal by Christmas this year I’ll be stoked.

If not? I now got in a medium shirt, my pants have gone from jeans size 40 to 32, my knees don’t hurt, I’m not out of breath jogging across the street when the light is about to change. Things are easier, I have more energy, and one of my favorite parts?

I always have leftovers. I rarely eat an entire entree at a restaurant, I no longer eat an entire box of Mac and cheese, and I think I’ve gone to bed with an over-eating belly ache twice in the last year. That’s it. Because I know and understand so much more now.

So for all you short guys out there, keep on keepin’ on. It just takes one day at a time.

submitted by /u/mrrustypup
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