Questions to ask when your diet fails or when you struggle to stay on it...

do you like your diet foods? do you feel hungry? are you an emotional eater? are you eating enough volume? are you eating often enough? is your deficit too extreme? is there too much temptation around you?

there are many reasons diets fail. but there are also many solutions

eat foods you like, find calorie and portion controlled recipes you love. dont let yourself get hungry, eat more often, eat bigger volume meals. address your emotional issues, find other outlets. find low-calorie dense foods you can binge on without caloric surpluses (popcorn is 300calories per 8 cups of popcorn! strawberries are 40calories per 100g!) . dont be afraid to change your macros, the time of your meals, and the volumes of each meal. dont be afraid to set a smaller deficit if it means you can truly stick to it. find a diet you can stick to for the rest of your life, do not 'yo yo diet'. If you have temptation around you; remove it, or remove yourself. Do whatever you have to do to stick to your diet and be happy 365 days a year

what other problems are there? how can they be solved? what did i miss?

help us all make a plan! failing to plan is planning to fail so we need this! We need good habits in place so we are NOT reliant on willpower. willpower fails; good habits last!

submitted by /u/davidducker
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from Mix ID 8319519


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