Recently started calorie deficit and more exercise. I'm hoping for massive face gains, super insecure about my thick neck and chubby cheeks. Did anyone else have a similar issue to mine?

Mostly asking because I need some motivation. I really hate the way my lower face looks which is the main driving force behind why I'm losing weight in the first place. I want to be able to see my jaw lol, the lower half of my face kinda looks like a thumb XD

Anyways just wondering if there is anyone else who struggled with or is struggling with a similar issue. Maybe does anyone have and tips to make my neck / cheeks tighter?

My weight it dispersed in my body super strangely I feel like. I have barely any fat on my arms at all, a little bit of a belly but it looks kinda average, SUPER MASSIVE thick thighs (like seriously three or more times bigger than my hand when I sit down) and a massively thick neck.

I don't really know where I'm going with this but I've lost 4 kilos since I started my calorie deficit about 4 weeks ago, so I'm going well I think haha

Currently 89 kilos and I stand just under 5'11

Thanks for reading my rambling :D

my face front

my face side

(it looks way worse when I put my head completely straight, but thankfully my neck leans forward naturally lol)

submitted by /u/SnooWords573
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from Mix ID 8319519


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