Starting over again, 7 months postpartum

I initially started my WLJ on this sub back in August 2019, after I had just got married and unexpectedly lost my father while I was away on my honeymoon. I started at 224lbs / 5' 5.5" and reached 181 lbs in March 2020. But then I got pregnant, and along with the pandemic, it was not ideal. And I gained 50-60 lbs during pregnancy (I stopped keeping track in the last few weeks), I was put on modified bedrest and there was no way I could do IF, I was just too hungry. I was pretty unhappy with my pregnant body, I felt like a whale, not some beautiful goddess of life. My daughter was born premature by one month, but happy and healthy. I was so relieved to not be pregnant anymore, I felt pretty good immediately. I actually don't hate my postpartum body as much as I thought I would. But I was EPing for the first 3 months and just insatiably hungry, so didn't really lose any weight. After I stopped EPing, i didn't really start putting in the effort to lose weight, fell back into old habits. Having a colicky baby was pretty stressful, just having a new baby is stressful in general but now that I'm no longer sleep deprived, I'm ready to get back to it. At least I take her for a 40 min walk every day (necessary to get her to nap lol but I'm getting exercise too, rain or shine). I know I need to focus on my eating/drinking habits though. So here I am, around 210lbs, and determined to start over. I need to be healthy for my daughter.

I've set the goal of losing 50 lbs by my birthday (February 2022) which I think is attainable, that's a little over 6lbs per month, but I ultimately want to hit 150 lbs. I'm basically going to do IF/CICO, goal of 1300-1500/day on average (sometimes I like to think of my weekly calories in case I know I'll be going to a birthday party or something later in the week, I budget calories so I can enjoy myself). It can be hard to track calories super accurately, so I kind of aim for the lowish end to be on the safe side. Even at 1200 calories, it's always been a struggle for me to lose 1/1.5lbs/week, I have to really restrict myself and that's not fun or realistic. So I'm trying to give myself some grace and a real time frame to meet my goal. I guess I just wanted to share so it feels more official somewhere, like I'm holding myself accountable again.

So in keeping with being accountable, I'll check in again in August, when I aim to weigh less than 200 lbs again. This is such a supportive community and it's just cathartic to write it out. I begin again today (technically yesterday, but still!)

submitted by /u/CheapestCucumber
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from Mix ID 8319519


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