I’ve been eating recklessly with no self control. It stops today.

Yesterday I had a large sugary Dunkin donuts drink and 2 egg and cheese wraps, that I get on the reg. Over 700 calories. Later that day I had two donuts at work, two snack bags of doritos from the vending machine, a nutty bar, a bunch of cheese, and a coke. Then I came home and snacked more. This is a regular occurrence.

I have logged my food before. I have lost weight before. I know I can do it. It’s much harder with a toddler now. But I know I can do it. I need to do it.

I’ve been trying to lose this weight since before and after my son was born. He turns 2 in a few months.

Send luck. I need to find a way to get my self control back. I know when I’m eating like shit. I’m well aware of how the calories add up. I just can’t stop myself most days. And once I get going I keep going.

Today I’ve been logging and eating better options. And I’ll try to do the same tomorrow!

submitted by /u/myinitialsarevag
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