BMR help!

I am really concerned about my metabolism. It’s been messed up for about a year and a half now but tbh it has always been really bad!! My Ed (I used to have anorexia, used to binge, now I’m recovering) has messed up my metabolism so bad. Any tips on how to strengthen it again? Also need help figuring out my BMR. I am 5’2, 15 years old, and ~110 lbs. I am not too active throughout the day but I tend to get 8,000 steps a day and go to the gym a few times a week. What is a good BMR? Right now I’m at 800-900 cals per day. I really want to to get better and be able to increase this number, but I feel like his is all I can afford right now. Help 🤍😮‍💨

submitted by /u/kenni-77
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from Mix ID 8319519


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