help ;___;

im 20, 5'4 and 185 pounds. i lost 20 pounds after a breakup, but i've always hated my body and how large i feel. i'm very sedentary due to severe depression and anxiety it's a huge struggle to get to the gym or even go on a walk. (when i do get in the habit, i make sure to hit 10,000 steps.) anyways, my diet basically consists of rice, veggies, packaged tuna, and soup. i have no job at the moment so i can't afford to buy any other food, and my parents don't either. (when they bring food home it's only fast food or unhealthy stuff) what can i do to lose weight? will walking 10,000 steps a day really help if i just really force myself to do it? also i tend to drink around 1 liter of water a day ;____; help pls

submitted by /u/hamchter
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from Mix ID 8319519


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