I just had a really bad binge
If not allowed, I’m sorry. I was fine all day up until 4pm 😭. I’m suppose to have takeout later today with family. They didn’t know what time they’d be here and I even skipped lunch to save the calories bc I KNEW where we were going to get food was going to be a lot of calories. I haven’t had anything since 9 am and the binge started at 4pm…I’ve been really stressed, with getting this whole fitness/health in. Also a small rant, my boss and I had a talk about when my job term will end (I’m a nanny). Which I knew what it was, but it didn’t really hit me until the closer we get to the date. We’ve had 2 conversations about this said topic, but like I said it didn’t really affect me much until now bc it’s soon. I’m gonna miss the kids so much. Not only that, I have no degree and idk what I’m gonna do once my duties are done. Like I have till March (yes I have months but when you like your job it hurts)…but still I’ve been with them for so long. I’ve been looking for school district jobs and no one is getting back to me. I don’t want to do nannying again or daycare (daycare is too low of pay). I’m afraid I won’t find something worth the pay or fitting to who I am. I’m stressed the heck out and while yes working out helps, I just feel so defeated with what I just did. Whyyyyy did I do that? All my hard work wasted for crappy food. I feel sick and I still have to have dinner with my family. Please, idk what advice I’m asking for, but it feels good to have written this out 😭. What do you right after a binge? How badly is this gonna ruin my progress?
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