I’m new, just want to say hi

Hello! I just had a baby 3 months ago and I have a considerable amount of weight to lose. I was already obese when I got pregnant (201lb; 5’5”). Gained about 30 lbs with pregnancy and now I’m around 212. I’ve actually subscribed to a “healthy at every size / diets don’t work / body positivity” type mentality for a few years now. Problem is, I’ve gotten hypertensive from pregnancy and obesity and I HAVE to lose weight for my heart and health. So I’m going back to basics, hoping not to stir up the past disordered / ED mentality I’ve had, and aiming for a first goal of losing 10% of my weight using calorie counting.

Anyway, I am thankful I stumbled upon this community and it’s exciting to read the success stories.

submitted by /u/theotherside0728
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