I’ve gained almost 40 pounds in 8 months

I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life. When I first started my weight loss journey I was close to 400 pounds, I managed to get all the way down to 189 about 8 months ago. Pretty sure I have some type of body dysmorphia as well because I feel like I’ve looked the same no matter what weight I’m at. Had some life stuff happen like everyone does and I kinda fell off the wagon. Things just seemed to keep piling up on me as of late. Currently at 228 as of this morning and I just feel like I’m on a dangerous path back to where I was. I know what I’m doing wrong, for example I’ve slipped back into bad eating habits and things I had cut out of my diet I’ve started eating again. Also I’ve just lost motivation to fix my diet and start exercising again. Just wondering if anyone else has been in this spot and what could be done to get going again. My original goal was always 185, I got so close. Forgot to say in the beginning but I’m a 26 year old male and a little over 6’4.

submitted by /u/PmMeReasonsNotToDie
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