(Online Magazine, Free) WEIGHTY MATTERS magazine: Eating Healthy Without Boundaries, Manage Weight While Taking Antidepressants, Combining Creative, Healthy and Fun into Family Dinner, How to “Staycation” with Fun (and Health) in Mind, and more - Summer 2021 - Obesity Action Coalition

I'm /u/funchords and I've been a /r/loseit member for 7 years. I am on the mailing list for the non-profit OAC but I'm not a member. This message is about their summer magazine which touches on a few topics that I think /r/loseit might enjoy.

Two articles in particular attracted me to recommend this.

The that I thought was key is a /r/loseit Frequently Asked Question issue of figuring out antidepressants and weight-loss. The article in this magazine discusses how to proceed if you're affected by this issue and it includes a handy chart that can help you and your prescriber walk through the various options. It also helpfully describes which brain chemical interactions are part of this complex problem.

But on the way to that article, I also ran across the one on adding your own traditional and favorite food tastes to your food plan. This is not a frequent /r/loseit topic but ought to be, in that if we try to stick to a prescribed food plan for too long, we find that we're breaking away from it because our families and friends do not eat that way (and we don't like it much, either, unless it reflects who we are).

And, if you're frugal like me, it's certainly helpful that the magazine is free. You can download it from here which is https://www.obesityaction.org/community/news/community-news/summer-2021-issue-of-weight-matters-magazine-now-available-to-download if you don't trust hidden links (you shouldn't).

submitted by /u/funchords
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