random weight gain in late teens

so around the beginning of my 11th grade year i started noticeably gaining weight. i don’t know what the catalyst for it was because i didn’t change anything about my habits. in fact, i eat less now than i used to. it happened over a long amount of time (i’m graduated now) until i finally capped out at about 180 pounds, which is where i’m at now. i’m 5’11 and before this i was really skinny. now, i’ve got quite a bit of chest fat and a stomach, also my jawline is not very defined anymore, now i’m just soft and it’s making me sort of self conscious. i don’t know what to really do. i do not even eat that much. i have been trying to get more muscle definition, but i feel like having this extra fat is only hindering me. any advice?

submitted by /u/Necessary_Plantain78
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