Diet changes to help with anxiety

Curious if anyone’s had any success focusing on diet changes to help manage their anxiety. I’m currently experiencing the worst anxiety I’ve ever had. I have a lot of recent stressors that keep stacking on top of each other, and I’m trying my best to manage the stress with exercise, breathing, and rest. 2 weeks ago I had my first panic attack and since then I've been struggling with heart palpitations throughout my days. I even had anxiety post a social event, which is usually not an issue for me. I’m 4 days sober from a 6 month weed binge (plan on staying sober from that), and 2+ years sober from alcohol, but I have seriously bad sugar cravings. We eat somewhat fresh and healthy, but I struggle with motivation when my anxiety and depression gets bad. Im losing my insurance tomorrow for a couple months so I can’t get help from a nutritionist, but I have been exploring an IBS diagnoses, and I also have had issues with PMS symptoms and recently discovered an ovarian cyst (we’re just watching it for now, I hope to follow up in November when I’m back on a good plan).

I’m going to attempt cutting out dairy and sugar and I was thinking maybe focusing on anti inflammatory foods. I’m also interested in supplements and herbalism that could help with healing my gut.

Thank you for taking the time to read, hope it was easy to follow! Little flustered today.

submitted by /u/kockyspanks
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from Mix ID 8319519


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