Fallacy of body weight set point

I was recently talking to a friend who is also trying to lose weight. Her weight loss has stalled for the last couple of months and she was getting discouraged. I gave her all the usual pointers I saw on this sub.

While she appreciated the advice , she kept saying how she always stalls around the same weight ( around 180 lbs in her case, she is 5'4") and thinks it is her body weight set point.

I told her there is no such thing. She then presented me with the evidence she had collected over the last decade where she always goes up to around 210lbs and then starts the weight loss process. Once she is down to around 175-182 lbs the weight loss stops. She has never gone above or below these numbers. She said she thinks 180-200 is her set point range.

That got me thinking and I think it's not a weight set point , but a mental set point. She gets comfortable with how she looks around 180. Her clothes look better. She has more energy. She can do more activities. When that happens the weight loss takes a back seat and the pounds slowly creep back. It takes about 20 lbs for her to see/ feel the changes. The clothes are tight, she is out of breath easily etc. And the cycle starts again.

It actually resonated with me as well even though I don't believe in the set point theory. She said it made sense too and is going to double down on the CICO.

Just thought I would share here!

submitted by /u/loseittohike
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