Food is comforting when stressed

This month has been the worst for me. I’ve had a lot of bad luck and as a result I’ve stumbled a little on my diet and restrictions. Ive lost 45 pounds since October 2020 ( went from 200lb to 155). I’ve worked hard on eating clean and healthy but I’ve gained 5 pounds this month alone. I know it could be water weight but I still feel awful about it. I just over ate a little over my caloric deficit tonight because I was just so hungry and stressed and I feel even worse. My mom recently got diagnosed with stage 1 cancer, I got rejected, I’m about to finish up my job contract and have no other job left for me to do and I start full time college soon. All of this stress this month has led me to an emotional burnout where I can’t even clean my room or get up to shower because of how tired I am. I want to get that self discipline back but sometimes it’s super hard, especially if you’re a foodie, just like I am. Is it wrong to feel this way?

submitted by /u/buttreepopcorn
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from Mix ID 8319519


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