How do you permanently break bad, life-long eating habits?

As someone who spent the entirety of the first 27 years of my life living off junk food, how do I better manage my urges to eat every piece of junk food in sight? I have been seeing multiple therapists for years now, but I'm interested in hearing from someone who has overcome these habits personally.

Even though I do thoroughly enjoy my new healthier food options and like the taste, there is that part of me that wants to binge on donuts, pizzas, cookies, and chips until my stomach ruptures. I have learned through trial and error that there is no middle ground with me. There is no eating in moderation. Every time I work in a couple of slices of cake or a few cookies, all I can think about for the next couple of days is how enjoyable it was and how I would like to eat the whole cake or the whole pack of cookies. I also tried completely abstaining from these "trigger" foods for months, but the desires became too much for me to the point where they were waking me up from sleep.

I've seen many people on here talk about how after losing weight, their desire to eat certain unhealthier food diminished, and when they finally did decide to eat said food again, they were surprised at how little they were able to eat now. I decided to have a relaxed eating day about a month ago because it felt absolutely necessary for my sanity. I bought a dozen donuts and ate the whole box. And I'm not talking about plain, glazed donuts; I'm talking about a dozen dense, cream-filled, frosted donuts. I never even ate that many donuts when I was at my heaviest. I thought I would feel disgusted afterward, but instead, I felt more rejuvenated than I had in almost a year. I was back to healthy eating and tracking the following day, but I feel like this will always be a struggle for me. How have others managed to cope with this?

submitted by /u/sapphireskyz
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from Mix ID 8319519


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