I lost 150 lbs in a year and have been maintaining it for a year [Progress Pictures]

23M 6'0" SW:333 lbs CW:183 lbs

I was overweight since I was a kid, tried jogging, tried dieting as a teenager. None of that worked for me, and I kind of just accepted being overweight. However after I graduated it became much worse, I gained about 60lbs in 2 years and weighed at 333lbs. It was not surprising, I remember cooking a lasagna "for my family" and eating the entire thing by myself. It was when I saw myself on pictures that I would realize how bad it had become.

I found this sub and educated myself and decided I would go for 1500cal CICO and IF. In August of 2019 at 333lbs (151kg), I downloaded a food tracking app and started weighing my food to count calories. IF boiled down to 2 meals per day, and definitely helped me stay on track at the start, but I dropped it after a few months. However it gave me the habit of eating ritually at specific times, which turned out to help a lot. On a normal day I still have 2 big meals per day.

When eating with my family, I sometimes felt judged for counting my calories, which was disheartening. But I felt the need to always stay on track. Slacking would feel like giving up. I believed in the process even when I wouldn't notice progress, and after one year I had actually made it.

199 lbs (90kg) in July 2020. I decided to slowly ease out of eating 1500cal and going for 2200cal to maintain when I hit 183 lbs (83kg). I picked up weight lifting in the first quarantine of 2020 too since we have dumbbells at home, light exercise (30min-50min) every other day. I also realized I love cycling.

Now I can say that I successfully maintained my weight for a year, somehow makes it more real. I've only ever lurked in this sub, seeing other people's stories kept me motivated when I started out. Losing 150lbs is probably the best thing I've ever done. To anyone in a similar spot I cannot recommend it enough.

I feel better physically and mentally. Some moments I recall is when I first noticed I could do push-ups, or climb stairs without running out of breath. Small things like these but so many I could keep rambling on about it.

I made some progress pictures to remind myself of how far I've come. https://imgur.com/a/sTbrPez

submitted by /u/Shlitzohr
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