If you eat often because you get unbearably hungry, it might be an underlying condition!

I had a lot of trouble losing weight due to frequent hunger that made me eat often and in large quantities. The feeling of hunger felt almost painful, and I’d eat even if I had eaten a meal not long before.

It wasn’t until I paired this hunger with chest pains and heartburn that I was diagnosed with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). After getting on PPI medication for a few months, my painful hunger was gone! It turns out the pain of an empty stomach was coming from acid, not necessarily hunger. Food would relieve the pain since it would dilute the acidity.

I’ve since been able to lose weight more easily, and I am now 10 pounds from my weight loss goal. If you’re getting unreasonably hungry, definitely consider whether or not another condition is causing it!

submitted by /u/BirdwatcH0
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