Stuck between a fat and a hard place...

Reference pics: (NSFW due to shirtless man)

Hey everyone, I could use some advice if possible. I've made some incredible weight loss progress in the past two years, I went from 230lb in May 2019 to 150lb now (I'm a 27 year old guy btw.) I did it all by restricting to diet of 1500 calories and at least 130g of protein per day and regular exercise, I was doing a dumbbell workout at home when covid hit but since March 2021 I've been going to the gym 3-4 days per week (mostly PHUL) and doing LISS walking on the other 2.

However I'm not sure what my next step should be, I still have notice body fat (from what I can estimate with calipers around 16%) but I'm also starting to look pretty bony. I have what I think is a pretty solid foundation of muscle so at this point I don't know if I should be bulking, cutting, maintenance, or anything else. I've read that bulking with noticeable body fat will just make you look lumpier but I also feel like the more I cut the more emaciated I look sometimes. I was also told that eating at maintenance and lifting heavy is just spinning my wheels and the cutting/bulking cycle is more effective. I appreciate the help, thanks!

submitted by /u/LinkSkywalker
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from Mix ID 8319519


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