The scale isn't budging

F, 25, SW of 184. GW TBD. So I've been dieting for about a month now. 3rd week back in the gym. I typically eat 500 calories below my TDEE set to sedentary even though I average 9000 steps a day, which is better than I was 6 months ago. I do a mix of cardio and strength training, starting with C25K and ending with the strength training, 3 days a week. I typically eat a sandwich for lunch on light whole grain bread (40 cals/slice) with veggies and then a protein and more veggies for dinner. I try to avoid most breads and starchy veggies like potatoes. I don't drink any pop besides the occasional sprite zero and I don't really drink any other sugary drinks, milk included. I drink water, tea and coffee. (My coffee creamer is sweetened/flavored, though.) I use my fitness pal and weigh protein portions and some vegetable portions, count most other things with measuring cups. I have a fitbit that I use to track exercise and all that. The first week I dropped 3 pounds. I thought, cool, off to a good start. Gained it back plus the second week and now I'm effectively down 1.2 pounds. Any tips? CICO is not working for me. I'm eating roughly 1200 a day, maybe 1500 adjusted after adding a cheat meal in there once per week. I'm no stranger to dieting and weight loss but I am a stranger to going a month (especially right at first) with no results. I can tell my pants and underwear feel more loose fitting, though. Could I have possibly gained muscle this soon? What's up with this? TiA

submitted by /u/ohukno1
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