Below 180lbs for first time in 3 years... nearly cried when I stepped on the scale

I was always in decent shape... up until my kid was born. I went from 170lbs (5'10") in October 2017 to nearly 205lbs in November 2020, thanks to the stress of parenting, COVID, and drinking too much craft beer. This may not seem like catastrophic weight gain, but it really soured my attitude and threw me into a minor depression. My clothes stopped fitting, my cholesterol spiked bigtime, and I just looked awful. I tend to gain weight in the face and chest first, which looks really bad as a man. The before and after pictures are truly astounding.

Stepped on the scale today, 11 months later... 179lbs, or about 26lbs lost. Still have 10-15 more pounds to go, but I feel like I just got out of prison. I've mostly been a lurker on here but wanted to thank everyone for all the contributions and sharing tips, stories, motivation, etc.

Basically, all I did was:

  • Cut back bigtime on craft beer (I fully quit 2.5 weeks ago)
  • Tried reducing calories/portions whenever possible (e.g. 4 slices of pizza instead of 5)
  • Took up running again last December (last week I ran 45 miles in preparation for a race)

I had numerous slip ups - sometimes I'd go a week without running, sometimes I'd binge eat (or drink) on a Friday, but after a day or two of pouting, I'd get back on the wagon so to speak. If I had hyper-focused on weight loss and totally quit drinking last year I could've probably lost an additional 15lbs in that time frame. My goal is now 175lbs by Dec 31 and 165lbs by May of 2022.

Thanks again everyone, this sub was such a huge help. And best wishes to all on this journey.

submitted by /u/WitheredBallSack
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from Mix ID 8319519


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