Can someone help me?

I amm actually afraid of losing weight. Let's just start with that.

I'm a 30 year old male weighing in at 340 lbs at 5'9 so, i'm morbidly obese. I sometimes get lower back pains, but i can still walk around and luckily am still pretty flexible. However, with walking around i mean around the house. As soon as i have to walk a few blocks i get winded easily and thát is something that makes me not want to excercise because i'm the type of guy who wants instant gratification and when i'm walking a few miles daily and don't see/feel an improvement after 2 weeks i give up.

But! My biggest problem is that i'm afraid with losing weight because of the thought of excess skin. I'm not sure how much i'm gonna have, but i do know that i AM going to have it. And sure, if i eventually lose 190 lbs i'd be the skinniest i've been in about 6 years and i'll probably be in the best shape of my life. But the whole idea of sagging/hanging skin just makes me feel super insecure, while i'm now grose to look at.

Can someone help me? Like, talk some sense in to me guys/girls please. How do i handle my question?! And not to mention. How was it for you all when you lost weight and had excess skin?

submitted by /u/roundroundabout
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from Mix ID 8319519


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