Daily exercise but gaining:(

I Lost weight a while back when I was dieting with no exercise now I've decided to hit the gym to see if I could lose a couple more pounds.. I've been going for about 2 weeks and half having daily one hour cardio sessions 4 times a week. I weighted myself in the mornings all last week to see how it was going and I've maintained the same weight. Yesterday I swear I had the hardest workout session I have ever had and this morning I actually GAINIED!! But why???:( I swear I'm not going over my daily calorie intake I've been on top of that. I was losing way more in 2 days then I've had in 2 weeks when I was just dieting alone. Should I stop going? What am I doing wrong? Any tips would help!

submitted by /u/_-Zzz-Zzz-_
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