How many calories/macros can I cut?

Hello everyone,

This is my first post, and I'm just looking for a little guidance.

I am currently 220lbs and 5' 10" with a bodyfat sitting somewhere around 30%. I've been hitting the gym pretty hard, but my diet is not dialed in AT ALL. Here's are my main questions:

  1. I'm mentally very lazy, so when I haven't planned my meal/don't have any food in the fridge, fast food is my go to. Any tips on changing that?
  2. I know I need 1.2 - 1.8 grams of protein per kilo of bodyweight to prevent muscle loss How much does someone who is my bodyfat need?
  3. How many calories can I safely cut? I don't get hungry very often, so only watching my protein would be super easy, and seriously simplify my diet. If I were to get 200 grams of protein a day, which I could achieve in very little calories, could I just fill up the rest on veggies with maybe a little brown rice? If not, why?
  4. I notice a lot of people recommend that I count fat, but what would happen if my diet is low in fats? Would that cause any issues with gaining muscle/losing fat? I'm going for a total body recomposition here, and I have PLENTY of fat to spare (lol)

Final point: I'm not looking for some get slim quick strategy, and I'm trying to stay healthy while losing around 50 lbs (which I could realistically achieve in about 6 months. Any tips are GREATLY appreciated!

tl;dr: I'm ADHD as fuck and want a really simple(not easy) weight loss program to help cut 50lbs.

submitted by /u/Tccrusher
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from Mix ID 8319519


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