I've gained 40 lbs on SSRIs and don't know what to do.
I'm not able to stop medications I'm taking for soon to be 6 years, and they really ramped up my appetite. I eat double the amount of calories I ate before medications. If I don't eat, my stomach starts to physically hurt me and I get cramps - very much unlike the feeling of hunger I felt before. I've talked to my psychiatrist and started another drug whose effect was worse and the impact on appetite was the same, so I returned to my previous medication. I've been doing some exercise(functional training two times a week) for about two years - the impact on my weight was ZERO. I looked somewhat slimmer but the scale did not budge a bit. Now I've been completely physically inactive for a year and I weigh the same. That completely demotivated me from any exercise regime. Is there any chance I could lose any weight at all?
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