My PT told me today that I'm too heavy to run

I started my new routine two weeks ago. I have a schedule from my PT to start running very slowly with walk-run. Every time I went for a walk-run session these past two weeks (6 times in total) my shins have bothered me. I even repeated the first week of the schedule because I felt my shins weren't strong enough to increase difficulty. The worst point was 4 days ago on my friday run. My shins hurt a lot and while it has gone down, they (and other parts of my upper and lower leg) are still a little sore.

I called my PT this morning and explained what had happened the past two weeks. He asked some follow up questions and has basically confirmed what I was already afraid of: I am too heavy to run.

My weight is putting too much stress on my calf and shin muscles for me to do a high impact exercise like running. The fact that I'm still in pain from my friday run means I have to stop NOW. He's aware I'm sensitive to injuries and has advised me to continue doing walks as long as the same problems in my shin stay away and also to continue with the strength exercises and other exercises he's given me.He's told me to "try again when you lose 5 kilos or so"

So far I feel like it hasn't really hit me yet. I feel a bit dazed. My weight loss these past two weeks was going really well. I've got a simple deficit of 500 calories and I'm not having any trouble calorie counting and sticking to it. I've been steadily losing in small increments. I was also really enjoying my runs despite the pain. I have always liked running (even though I complain about it all the time lol) and I was really enjoying getting back into it.

I just hope that my weight loss will stay on track.

EDIT to add what I forgot:
My PT has talked about swimming, cycling or hometrainer as alternatives, but I can't afford a gym membership right now and the hometrainer at my PT is busted. A swimming membership is also to expensive unless I want to freeze my butt off in the lake nearby... which I don't :P
I do go cycling but my PT and I have concluded that my bike wouldn't be suitable for longer rides (1 hour +) for me so bearing all that in mind he has advised me to stick to the exercises he has given and walks. He has also okayed things like yoga and home exercise videos as long as I stick to low impact.

submitted by /u/Magpiebrain
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from Mix ID 8319519


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