Please help. I'm gaining the weight back and I can't stop binging.

I've lost 60 lbs in a year, it was the third time that I lost the weight I gained before- it was also the most difficult weight loss attempt of all three times. As soon as I hit my target, I felt pretty confident about my body so I gave myself a cheat day.

That day turned into two weeks of 3000-6000 calorie binges on Nutella biscuits, mac and cheese, cheesy fries and cereal.

Every time I get hungry, I freak out. I'm so scared of being hungry and I'm scared of eating, because when I eat the wrong type of food, I can't make myself stop. So I have zero willpower... my family keep bringing in junk food and if I see chips or sweets in front of me, I can't tell myself not to have it. I have to either throw it away or make someone hide it from me.

I eat a lot, then I try to force myself to vomit and it just doesn't work. I can't get myself to do it. So I promise myself to do better the next day. I can do it for a day or two before I sabotage myself again.

I feel terrible about my body, absolutely disgusting. I've also gained seven lbs.

I've quit my antidepressants cold turkey and I haven't taken them in two days now... because they were giving me cravings and making me retain water. I feel so anxious and irritable without them, but I'm scared they're making me gain weight. I'm scared I'll start binging and become fat again. Please help. I dont want to do this anymore and I dont know how to stop.

I really need some advice or suggestions that I can stick to that will help me overcome this problems. I'm so upset and ashamed of myself.

submitted by /u/melodyflores
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from Mix ID 8319519


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