At what point will I be worth dating from a weight perspective?

Posting on a throwaway since i'm too ashamed to post on main.

I'm 25 year old guy who has never dated or been in a relationship before. I'd say my main blocker is that I've always been the fat/chubby guy and I noticed growing up that happy couples always seemed to be in shape or be physically attractive in some way. This made me lead to a few thought patterns like:

  1. Happy couples weren't for "fat" people
  2. If you were "fat", you are unattractive and no one would love you
  3. If you were "fat", there's no point in trying, because the partner of your dreams would just reject you and not even give you a chance

I acknowledge that some of these lines of thinking are unhealthy and toxic but they've held myself back from pursuing anything. For the people who relate here, at what BMI weight did you start dating? At what point did you think you were attractive enough to start pursuing love? Can anyone relate here and have also overcome these barriers?

EDIT: THANK YOU every one for opening my eyes here. I find your perspective and advice quite helpful in my personal journey. I've learnt that this not really a physical thing but more a mental/mindset problem and I will make sure that I work through this in a healthy way. A few people hit the nail on the head, I do have confidence and self esteem issues and I will look to address these issues tomorrow.

submitted by /u/thowaway1241551234
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from Mix ID 8319519


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