NSV Stopped a binge in its tracks.

Just what the title says. I had the cake in my hands I was walking to the table to binge my stress away but stopped half way there and threw it in the trash. It’s a small step in the right direction.

I have found that stopping a binge takes near constant, grueling, mindfulness. Like a lot of us here, food has always been an emotional crutch for me. It is the thoughtless response to stress, excitement and sadness. All it takes to stop it is finding that moment of awareness - where I question what I’m about to do. That is when I need to convince the emotional side of myself that what I’m about to do will not solve my problem and it will absolutely not make me feel any better. It will, in fact, only make me feel worse. I recall that everyday it gets a little easier. You just have to do it every day.

Last year during lockdown I made so much progress. I did what I thought my body was incapable of doing and I lost over 40 lbs. since things in my country have reopened and some new stressors have been added to my life I’ve lost my way a bit and regained a bit of weight. I am currently back trying to relearn all the things I’ve let myself forget. I’m relearning how to Just. Say. No. Relearning how temporary the enjoyment is but how long the regret and shame last. Relearning that every single morning I have to recommit myself to myself. Relearning how important this group is for support.

Here’s to being a bunch of losers! We got this. Thanks for being here.

Now I’m going for a run because that will actually make me feel better.

submitted by /u/HurglyGurgly
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