Vent: "Don't lose more!"

No real point to this post but I really wanted to vent to some people who could understand.

Background: after 2 pregnancies, I (38f/5'4") reached my all time non-pregnant high of 189lbs. I lost some but then gained most of it back. Right before my youngest's second birthday, this June, I was still 181 and finally determined enough to do something about it. Yesterday I weighed 148.8. I'm thrilled and really proud of myself but I'm not even to a normal BMI yet and my ultimate goal is 125 (right in the middle of the normal BMI range and also my lowest adult weight, what I weighed when I met my husband).

Because we took the kids trick or treating yesterday, I saw some friends and family I haven't seen in awhile. One of them mentioned my weight loss right away, and then that's all they seemed to want to talk about. They asked, "you're not planning on losing more, are you?" I said yes, about 23 more pounds. Then they started in on, "No! You don't need to lose more! You'll be just skin and bones if you drop another 23. Why would you want to lose more?"

I just shrugged, said we needed to get going to the next house, and left it at that. But I'm so aggravated! Why do people feel the need to invalidate other's goals? Or comment at all? Can't they just say, "that's great" and keep the rest to themselves? I've been an average weight most of my life and prior to pregnancy my highest weight was 142. I'm not even there yet! It just felt like undermining my goals. I'm still not happy with how I look, and it's my body after all.

This hasn't deterred me one bit, but I'm irritated. How do you deal with negative comments about your weight loss?

submitted by /u/Englishable
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from Mix ID 8319519


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